I'm on a mission...

to visit 40 countries by 40. Yeap! And since announcing my lofty goal I've met 2 separate people who have both been to over 100 countries...yeah??! For a few moments I thought:

Daaaaannng girl, step your game up.

Then I realized that this is my life. My life goals. I've been to 28 countries so far, and I'm loving every bit of it. Here's how conversations go in my world.

Me.       Where are you going next?

Friend. We found a flight to Athens for $210 round trip...

Me.        👀 what??

Friend.  ...non-stop...

Me.        Ok,  I'm in... But I've been to Greece...twice.

Friend. ...and we're going to Santorini

Me.         My body starts moving without permission but I've learned to live with these involuntary celebrations... lol





Me.       👀 Aw-yeah, Aw-yeah. (Background music by Salt-N-Pepa in my head: Ex-press your self.... Go on and work that body ....)

Friend. (Interrupts my dance break) Do you want to go? I  have the site open now,  tickets won't last long.

Me.        Yes, yes. I'm in. I'll just add another leg to my trip...

Long story short - that trip included Santorini and Athens in Greece. Santorini was new for me and so beautiful. But while the rest of the group went to Athens, where I've been twice... I made a dash to Romania. Bucharest and Transylvania in 2 days but that's another story.

Have you added side dish trips to your main itinerary before?  [Note: Side dish trips are a little longer than day trips]

I'm loving every bit of it.